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‘FORTNITE’ Update 6.22 Heavy AR, Blitz And Football Stadium Patch Notes

‘FORTNITE’ UPDATE 6.22 Heavy AR, Blitz And Football Stadium Patch Notes
Epic Games has release Fortnite update 6.22 and itemized the contents of the most recent update. Its main features incorporate the Heavy Assault Rifle,Team Terror LTM and map changes that encourage the forthcoming landing of licensed NFL skins. The patch notes arrive courtesy of the most recent blog entry from Epic Games. 

Two new Limited-Time Modes. 

LTM Team Terror 

The first, called Team Terror, features "two teams battling it out while Cube Monsters." Its another interpretation of the players versus players and condition ongoing interaction presented as a component of the Halloween Fortnitemares, yet with more players included. 

Blitz LTM 

The second Limited-Time Mode is called "Blitz"and is portrayed as "a faster-paced version of Battle Royale. Hold up time between storms is fundamentally shorter than common; maximum match length is 15 minutes.Increased odds of treasure chests  bringing forth from 50-70 percent to 80-90 percent.Increased odds of ammunition boxes spawningfrom 65-80 percent to 85-95 percent.Reduced empty floor loot spawn chance from 21.5 percent to 3.55 percent 

Resource harvesting amounts expanded by 50 percent.Increased materials found on the ground from 30 to 60 for each instance.Increased number, spawn rate and the descent speed of Supply Drops.Increased number of llamas spawned by 4x. Evacuated shopping carts. 


‘FORTNITE’ UPDATE 6.22 Heavy AR, Blitz And Football Stadium Patch Notes
Image : Epic Games

Heavy Assault Rifle can be found in floor loot, chests, Vending Machines and Supply Drops.Accessible in Rare, Epic and Legendary Variants.Deals 44/46/48 damage with 3.75 Fire Rate.Has a magazine size of 25.The Pumpkin Launcher has been returned to the standard Rocket Launcher. We've decreased the spawn rate of Balloons from 12.2 percent to 2.3 percent. 

Map Changes 

‘FORTNITE’ UPDATE 6.22 Heavy AR, Blitz And Football Stadium Patch Notes
Image : Epic Games/@Iscenario Twitter

Epic Games also recently announced a partnership with the NFL to bring football skins to Fortnite. A football stadium replaces the Soccer Field in Pleasant Park.


    Storm max damage top changed back to 8 damage from 10 damage. 

    Bug Fixes 

    Players hit by a Boogie Bomb while holding Balloons will never again have physics issues. They will now legitimately drop the Balloons.

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